Every year, more than half a million individuals seek out laser resurfacing treatment to restore their skin to a supple smoothness and reduce the effects of aging and sun damage.
At DERMABARE, a med spa located in Laguna Niguel, California, Ramin Tayani, MD and his team provide a remedy for common beauty concerns using laser skin rejuvenation techniques delivered by the Alma™ Harmony XL platform or other laser systems.
How intense pulsed light (IPL™) works
The Alma Harmony XL is a 1540nm fractional resurfacing laser that uses intense pulsed light (IPL™) to deliver skin rejuvenation. The laser sends short, concentrated pulses of light that penetrate through the skin at varying depths to target different layers with a nonablative effect, leaving your top layers of skin intact.
The lower layers of skin contract due to the gentle heat from the laser, helping to smooth and tighten your skin. Collagen production helps to fill in fine lines and wrinkles. The result is a face that looks years younger after just a few treatments.
The 6 beauty concerns IPL can treat
You can benefit from IPL treatment if you have:
1. Chronic acne
If you have ongoing issues with acne, facial rejuvenation can help boost skin health down through multiple layers.
2. Acne scarring
Repeated acne or severe cystic acne can cause scarring. A photofacial rejuvenation treatment can help reduce the appearance of acne scars.
3. Rough skin texture on your face
Acne or rosacea can leave your skin with rough, uneven patches. IPL can help increase cellular turnover for a fresher, younger look.
4. Fine lines and wrinkles
Fine lines and wrinkles are caused by aging or photodamage. Using IPL therapy can turn back the clock and give you more years of near-flawless skin.
5. An unevenly pigmented skin tone
Sun damage or genetics can cause variations in skin tone. An IPL session may be able to help you minimize uneven pigmentation.
6. Vascular lesions on your face
Certain conditions can cause vascular issues that show up as tiny red squiggly lines known as spider veins on your face. Laser therapy can help break down these broken capillaries, letting your body flush them away as waste and giving you back smooth, clear skin on your cheeks and across your nose.
Other laser treatments
If damage to the surface of your skin is more serious, we can use the Pixel CO2 laser (a targeted ablative laser). With the pixel laser, there is an ablative effect, meaning the top layers of your skin will peel away after treatment, removing the imperfections.
For delicate skin on your face (around your eyes and mouth, specifically), your doctor will use the ClearLift high-speed roller. This is another nonablative laser, which delivers Q-SWITCHED Nd:YAG pulses in narrow widths with multiple energy peaks, treating photodamage and improving skin laxity.
Your doctor will work with you to find the right treatment or combination of rejuvenation laser treatments to give you healthy, vibrant skin. Want to know more? Call DERMABARE at 949-545-6600, or book a consultation online with us today.