Laser Hair Reduction
If you’re tired of all the time you spend removing your unwanted hair shaving, plucking, or waxing, it may be time to consider laser hair reduction. The luxurious medical spa, DERMABARE, in Laguna Niguel, California, is equipped with state-of-the-art Lumenis® Splendor X, which removes hair quickly and effectively for amazing results. For a consultation with Ramin Tayani, MD, and the aesthetic team to discuss laser hair reduction, call the office, or request an appointment online today.
Laser Hair Reduction Q & A
What is laser hair reduction?
Laser hair reduction is an advanced aesthetic treatment for the reduction of unwanted hair. The Lumenis SPLENDOR X™ used by the team at DERMABARE is equipped with a unique technology referred to as BLEND X.
This treatment combines two forms of laser energy to provide the most effective results for all skin types and aesthetic needs.
The team at DERMABARE use their advanced laser hair reduction system to remove unwanted hair from your:
- Upper lip
- Under arm and forearm
- Chest and back
- Legs
- Bikini area
The system works by targeting the pigmented hair follicle under your skin. The energy created by the laser destroys the hair follicle, preventing further growth.
How do I prepare for my laser hair reduction?
During your initial laser hair reduction consultation, the team at DERMABARE provide specific instructions on what you need to do to prepare for your treatment.
In general, it’s recommended that you not pluck or wax the area you’re having treated for a month or more prior to your laser hair reduction session. Plucking and waxing remove the hair follicle, which may decrease the effectiveness of your treatment.
The team may also advise that you avoid sun exposure and/or the use of tanning lotion prior to your treatment.
What can I expect during my laser hair reduction?
Your laser hair reduction is conducted at the luxurious medical spa in a relaxed setting. You may experience a snap-like sensation as the light energy destroys the hair follicle, but the discomfort shouldn’t be any worse than waxing or plucking.
If you’re sensitive to pain, let the team know so they can make any necessary adjustments to your treatment.
The length of your laser hair reduction appointment may vary depending on the area being treated.
After your appointment, you may notice some redness and swelling at the site of your laser treatment, but these side effects should disappear quickly. There’s no downtime following treatment.
You should notice an immediate improvement in the smoothness of your skin after your laser hair reduction session.
Do I need more than one laser hair reduction session?
Yes, you need more than one laser hair reduction session to get the most effective results. Hair grows in cycles, and you need a minimum of six sessions to get the smoothest, hair-free skin possible.
To schedule your laser hair reduction consultation, call the office, or request an appointment online.