If working out and dieting aren’t providing the results you want, you don’t have to go under the knife to escape your double chin. Kybella® is a nonsurgical, minimally invasive treatment that melts away submental fat, giving you the clean jawline you want.
DERMABARE in Laguna Niguel, California provides a number of cosmetic procedures, including Kybella treatments. While a healthy lifestyle can shed the pounds you put on during quarantine, shaking off submental fat can be nearly impossible. Luckily, Dr. Ramin Tayani and his team are experienced in handling this issue.
Common causes of double chins
Double chins, or submental fat, are relatively common, even among young, fit people. Contrary to popular belief, this submental fat layer isn’t always caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.
Many people who have lost significant amounts of weight still have double chins, even if the rest of their body is fit and healthy. That’s because submental fat is difficult to target using diet and exercise. While it’s possible to burn away a double chin naturally, sometimes progress can be slow-going.
There’s also the matter of aging and genetics. As we age, our skin loses elasticity. Gravity pulls the skin and fat down, leading to a noticeable bulge under the chin. Some young people are susceptible to submental fat due to their genetics, while others develop double chins as they get older.
While unsightly to some, double chins are completely harmless. But that doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to having one.
Getting rid of a double chin
Regardless of what’s causing your double chin, it can be fixed using cosmetic procedures. Some people seek out liposuction and other surgical methods to eliminate submental fat, but there’s another option that’s far less invasive.
Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. This acid is produced naturally by the body to absorb fat. By injecting it under the chin, you can prevent the area from storing fat. Over the following weeks, the acid works to break down fat cells and metabolize them, leaving you with a smoother, thinner jawline.
Using Kybella safely
Kybella should only be used if you are at a steady weight and can maintain that weight in the future. You should avoid Kybella if you plan on undergoing intense weight loss, are pregnant, or have trouble swallowing.
If you’re interested in Kybella and want to learn more about the treatment and its effects, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Tayani by calling 949-545-6600, or request an appointment online.